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Style of classes

My style of yoga focuses on an embodied experience, rather than 'perfect' alignment, enabling you to fully connect to your body and be immersed in your practice. 


Through purposeful and creative sequencing, you will have a chance to explore and discover ways to get the most out of YOUR practice.

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The benefits of yoga

  • Improves flexibility

  • Improves balance and co-ordination

  • Improves mobility and range of movement

  • Strengthens muscles and joints

  • Builds core strength

  • Prevents injury by improving flexibility, strengthening movement patterns and addressing muscle imbalances


Yoga of course isn't just a physical practice. It's also a mental practice.


  • Allows for more body awareness 

  • Slows down your breathing and relaxes your nervous system

  • Improved ability to focus and concentrate

  • Helps relieve stress


Whether you are practicing to enhance your lifestyle or sports performance yoga will bring  out the best in you.


Young Man doing Physical Exercise
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